Misterios Gozosos (Joyful Mysteries in Spanish) Digital Download
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Practique el esfuerzo, la entrega y fortalesca fisicamente su cuerpo mientras ora. Este DVD de los Misterios Gozosos le ayudara a unirse a Cristo, empezando con el SI de Nuestra Señora. Ofrece reflexiones en cada uno de los misterios. El entrenamiento SoulCore es para todos los niveles fisicos. Cada ejercicio le invita mas profundamente a la conexion de cuerpo y alma.

Duracion: 55 minutos

The SoulCore Joyful Mysteries takes you through an experience of uniting yourself to Christ, beginning with Our Blessed Mother's YES! You will physically strengthen your body while praying, and also have times of rest during the reflections offered on each of the Mysteries. A continual balance of effort and surrender.

Since the prayers of the Rosary are the main focus, the SoulCore workout is for all fitness levels. Each of the exercises are simply an invitation to take you deeper into the connection of body and soul. It is imperative to honor your body during all forms of movement.

Runtime: 55 minutes

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