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SoulCore is a movement that pairs core strengthening, stretching, and functional movement, normally with the prayers of the Rosary. For this special Glorious Mysteries offering, we invite you to join us in reflecting on the Resurrection of Our Lord.
This is a perfect way to find out how SoulCore can help you to nourish your body, mind, and soul. Sign up for our email list below and get free, unlimited digital access to the workout video.
What SoulCore Participants Are Saying
"Now I feel that my body and soul are more one. I feel better about my faith and also my body!"
- Jen
"SoulCore is the most beautiful and most meaningful way I have ever experienced the Rosary. Combining body and soul is so powerful and lifts up my prayer."
- Eva
"SoulCore is an amazing spiritual experience. My description of SoulCore would be...praying the rosary with the fullness of who we are created to be - both physical creatures and spiritual beings."
- Theresa
More About SoulCore
SoulCore is a core-strengthening exercise that incorporates scripture, music, and candlelight to encourage deeper reflection on the virtues of the rosary.
SoulCore is not affiliated with any other exercise discipline. It is not yoga, nor are yoga poses or Sanskrit referenced at any time. SoulCore is simply an invitation to discover the beauty of the rosary; a gentle path to grow in virtue and interior peace.
Our Lady’s desire is always to lead us closer to her son Jesus. As a Marian apostolate, SoulCore imitates her in striving to draw others closer to Christ through deeper reflection on His life and virtues in the rosary. Any practice that could potentially lead us away from Christ is counter to our mission.